Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Saturday Night to Remember

Alright, I know it's been awhile, and I really do have some deep and thought provoking topics to talk about...but not tonight. Tonight's blog definitely has to be spent talking about the past eight hours because I've laughing nonstop. We'll keep the profound aphorisms and life lessons for another day. Pinky promise.

So, today started off like any other. Saturday morning = swim practice. But after, I was relieved that I had absolutely no plans for the rest of my day. I didn't have to rush to get ready to go out to lunch, or pick up something on my way home for a school project, or even make a to do list which for me, is out of the ordinary. Instead I had lunch with my parents at home and had a little time to myself until I met up with Ash, Ethan, and Ty (virtually) at Tommy's to attempt to plan our senior trip. And let me tell you, this is when my day went from relaxing to hysterical, ridiculous, and just plain weird.

First off, let me just say that this whole senior trip process is incredibly stressful. You search houses, one after another, trying to determine how close they are to the beach, how expensive they are, whether or not there may be dead bodies hidden in the walls, and then, if a house passes based upon that criteria, its very unlikely that it is still available for the week of June 16-23. Thank you Ty for only being available one week.... so needless to say, after at least two hours of searching and searching, we all became frustrated and a tad bit delirious. There were reenactments of A Thousand Splendid Suns scenes (complete with burqas), fake shootings via the iGun Pro App, and a reading of the book Father to Son....

We then calmed down a little bit when Jared came and decided to work on Mrs. Forse's fortune cookie puzzle before leaving for the indoor game. The boys played well, but once the game was over the night became all the more crazy and hilarious. Unfortunately Schweins's wallet got stolen, cough cough, I mean lost, which made him think that he had the right to run stop signs and speed on the highway. I believe the quote was, "Come get me cops, I lost my f****** wallet!" Classic.

Before the night was over, we stopped at Mickey D's for a snack. While there, Ethan flashed some lady three times and Tommy pretended like he was blind. Spilling his drink, tasting every fountain drink there in order to find Dr. Pepper, and making a scene: he went the whole nine yards. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my whole life, and I wish that I had the security tape to relive the scene. It's hard to explain it, but trust me, it was one of those "had to be there moments" that I'll remember for days to come.

Pretty much what I'm trying to say here is I absolutely love my friends. We aren't your typical group of high school seniors. We can do absolutely nothing and still have the best time. No alcohol, drugs, or partying necessary. I truly cannot wait to spend a week with them in Hilton Head and a full 24 hours with them in the car to and from South Carolina. It's going to be one of the best weeks of my life, hands down. So, if you guys are reading this, thank you. Thank you for being your crazy selves and for being such a big part of my life. I feel really lucky to have you and know that I love you all.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

:) Sister Week and Some Sentimental Thoughts

I am so incredibly excited about this week! Why you might ask? Because my parents are in the Grand Cayman Islands which means I've been adopted by my second family, the Nizniks!

I started staying with Ash on Saturday night after going out to eat with our best friends and we've been having so much fun already. When we got home from dinner last night, we watched the movie The Help, which was definitely as good as everyone made it out to be. I highly recommend watching it if you haven't already. It really made me think about how prevalent discrimination was not just decades ago, but still in today's society. I could go on and on, but I'll save these thoughts for another time.

As for Sister Week, today my "sis-tor" and I decided to do something out of the ordinary and make it a special Sunday. After debating back and forth on what to do, we settled on some shopping down at the South Side Works in Pittsburgh. The day started off really well, I mean, successfully parallel parking and all by yours truly (thank you, thank you very much) but as we went to some of our favorite stores and ended up with nothing, we started to feel a little discouraged. Then we came to the conclusion that we are just cheap and want to save our money for more important things like senior trip, summer concerts, and soon to be college life.

This then led the conversation to college, what life after high school will be like, and what we ultimately want out of our future. I love talks like these with those who are close to me because I always see the person I'm talking to still being in my life years and years down the road. It is so scary to think about how much will change though. Ash is obviously one of my closest friends and I know that we will stay in touch, but our talk made me question who else I still will be connected with and talk to after graduation. I say all the time how I can't wait to go to college, start the next chapter of my life, and meet new people, but after taking time to reflect with some delicious Black Out Cake from the Cheesecake Factory, I realized how amazing the people already in my life now are. I have two core groups of friends that I can't imagine my life without and as much as I want to get out of West A and push myself outside of my comfort zone, I always want those nine friends to stay in touch and be a part of my personality. Truly, I don't know what I'm going to do without seeing their faces and listening to their (mostly racist) jokes everyday next year guys. Cue the tears.....

Well, enough thinking of the future for one day. It's time to live in the present, enjoy the time we have left, and make the best of senior year! And most importantly, live every day to its fullest.

"Don't wait for someone to tell you it's too late, 'cause these are the best days...."

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's Been A While....

Sadly, the holidays kept me as busy as ever this year and my blog suffered :( however, I have a little down time this evening and decided to catch up and share a little bit about the past few weeks and the weeks to come. 

To start, I absolutely cannot believe that it is the very end of December. Where did 2011 go? My whole life 2012 seemed like it was light years away, but it's finally here! I'm both ecstatic and sad about the ending of this current chapter of my life. June 1st, 2012 will be such a bittersweet day. But I'm also really anxious/nervous/happy to be starting a new chapter, one at a University still to be determined (and if you know me at all, you realize this unknown detail is absolutely killing me). So these major events are really going to be the headlines of two-oh-one-two, but I'm really looking forward to the summer days as well spent hanging out with friends and making memories before we all go our separate ways. With all this talk of the New Year, I figured I'd list what 2011 taught me and a few resolutions for 2012.

2011 Lessons:
1) Not everyday is guaranteed, so live each day as though it's your last.
2) You're life can change in the blink of an eye. Literally.  
3) True friends are hard to come by, but once you've found them, don't let go. 
4) Don't give anyone the satisfaction of seeing you hurt. Especially those who caused the pain.
5) As hard as it may be (at least for me), stand up for yourself and don't sit back if someone's done you wrong.

Those sound really cliche, but they hit home with me this year. And here are a few things I hope to start doing/continue...

2012 Resolutions:
1) Start running again....It takes a week to get hooked, but once I am, I absolutely love it....
2) Be me, regardless of what that means.
3) Let the ones in my life that I care about know how much they mean to me. If you're reading this, you are most likely one of these people {thanks :) }
4) To not sweat the small stuff and stress myself out like always...
5) To cure my senioritis (this one might be the most difficult....)

So, in case you can't tell, right now I feel as though I'm in a really good place. This Christmas break spent with friends, family, and chlorine was exactly what I needed to come to closure with '11 and prepare myself for '12. I can't wait to see what next year brings, and I have a strong feeling that it's going to be a good one :) Well, until next time..... take care and HAPPY NEW YEAR! :) 


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

First Blog Post....Here Goes Nothing

After being convinced by multiple sources that I should start blogging, I caved... So here it is, my first post. I have to admit, this feels a little weird, but I think I could grow to like it. 

Anyway, my topic for today is the power of music. Why? Cause within the past few months I've found myself listening to more and more music any chance I have. The tiniest little bit of free time pops up and I'm humming along to the new Taylor Swift single or belting out one of Adele's masterpieces in my car (embarrassing, i know, but come on, we all do it)... It's been said that music has healing power and I'd never really known how true this could be until recently. Whether I'm just feeling down in the dumps, or something much worse, I turn to those who have been in my spot and turned their situation, frustration, or depression into something progressive, and something written to be shared with the whole world. I take comfort in the beautifully and carefully chosen lyrics and melodies of artists like A Fine Frenzy, Marie Digby, and Sara Bareilles and even the hardcore beats bumping in the background of songs like "Ninjas"in Paris every so often. Regardless of the emotion I'm feeling at that exact moment, I know that I can always turn to my Ipod to coincide with my mood. 

Until next time....xoxox -ALG